Annie: It's a thriller, right?
Marla: Depends on what thrills you, I guess.

Are you planning on killing yourself?

I can't believe we're at our senior prom. When did we get so old?

All this time you've been pretending about wanting to have a life with me?

Good luck. I hope you find yourself or whatever it is you're looking for.

Annie: Love sucks.
Naomi: I'm getting that tattooed on my face.
Annie: Well, that'll keep the boys away.
Naomi: I doubt it.

I love you but it's not all that matters to me.

What are you almost wearing?

Navid [to Nila]

If you want to put your past behind you, you should know what it is.

Who would volunteer to humiliate themselves like that?

You proposed to me last week and you're already sleeping with somebody else?!

Bree: They paid us.
Annie: Yea, like prostitutes.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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