Shirley: I hated Sam and Diane.
Annie: Who are Sam and Diane?
Shirley: Okay, we get it. You're young!

Annie: I lost Abed!
Troy: I told you to never let him out of your sight! That goes double for holidays and wax museums!

She's whipped by an imaginary douche!

Jeff: You're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet.
Annie: You're right. I could never be as good as you. Probably because I actually care.
Jeff: Profound, but technically meaningless

Jeff: How old is he again?
Annie: 30-something I guess. He has a land-line and uses the world album.

That African American police chief character Abed was playing is right, we should have worked as a team.

I'm not a relaxed person Britta. I think ahead. I prepare. I don't improvise my life like Caroline Decker, who probably has really bad credit and an unfinished mermaid tattoo.

Jeff: You're pathological.
Annie: It's too late for flattery.

Britta: What can i do?
Annie: You can hang the Chacata Panecos piniata
Britta: You guys realize he was beaten to death, right?
Shirley: That's where we got the idea from
Annie: Poignant

I don't want to die in a place like this. People shouldn't die in the same place as People magazines do.

Annie: There's a conspiracy here. A dark, vast conspiracy that just may that go all the way to the top.
Jeff: This is Greendale, Annie. If there is a conspiracy, it goes to slightly above the middle.

Kim: You're really mean.
Annie: Put it in a letter, Jane Austen!

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
