(to Barb) I built this church for you when you were ex-communicated. You know how much it kills me that you can't find a home in it.

(to Barb)You got rid of us.

We step out of the shadows and demand our time in the sun.

We will survive through sacrifice and endurance.

Bill [about his father]: He's gotta get to a doctor.
Lois: No! Remember when he got his fingers caught in the fan? You said doctors and he was fine!
Bill: He needed 23 stitches!

Lois [about poisoning Frank]: How can he suspect me when I didn't do anything? That's crazy!
Bill: Fine, fine. So who is gonna pick him up?
Lois: Why don't you go pick him up?
Bill: I hate him as much as you do.
Lois: Then maybe you did it!

Bill: There's one more thing. My house is three houses.
Ronnie: What, rentals?
Bill: No, I live in all three houses.
Ronnie: In all three?
Bill: With my family, they're connected...
Ronnie: All three houses?
Bill: That's right. Big family

I've been thinking about you. We are links to eternity. Ahead of us, family yet to come, souls to be born; behind us, ancestors — ancestors who sacrificed. We are making those sacrifices to live the principle, to keep faith. Margie, you are a valued member of this family. We weren't complete, not until you. You made us complete. I wasn't complete until you, and our fine sons. What happened was a mistake. It'll never happen again, all right? All right?

Bill [about the guest list]: Are you crazy!? How many people?
Nicki: Just immediate family! ... 153

Big Love Quotes

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.