Guy: I'm not doing this for the money.
Boyd: Oh I know. You're doing it to get Doyle out of the way, so that you can be Chief of Police.

You fix her as if your life depended on it, because it surely does.

Boyd: You asking me? Or are you telling me?
Raylan: If it makes you feel better you can tell people I asked.

Raylan: Boyd I've been to Mexico, I don't think you'd like it.
Boyd: How so?
Raylan: There's a lot of Mexicans.

Raylan, if a book could only be judged by its cover, you'd be a best seller.

Don't you know, you're jumping out of the frying pan into the fire?

Ava: You regret killing him?
Boyd: I regret that he made it necessary.

You are between a rock and a much, much harder rock.

Well Mr. Napier I'd like to think that if I was behind an attempt on your life, at the very least I would've messed up your hair.

I hope you enjoyed your stay, and you never forget who packed your bags.

Boyd: Are you sure you're alright with this?
Ava: $3.2 million. I might find a way to get right.

Which one of you two ass holes is trying to set me up? Salt? Or Pepper?

Justified Quotes

Raylan: If you're going to talk, I'll put you in the trunk and drive myself.
Dewey: I can't drive handcuffed to the damned steering wheel!
Raylan: You'll get the hang of it.

For I am born again in the eyes of the Lord
