Brenda: If anyone wants sweet potatoes, pass your plates down.
Raydor: I did the marshmallows on those.
Brenda: Oh, did you? They're kinda burnt.

I'd like to start with you, Ms. Powell. I'd like to say how sorry I am that I was unable to ignore your general level of incompetence in the wrongly obtained conviction in the case of Bill Croelick. And I'm sorry if you felt hurt and defensive about putting a man on death row for the wrong crime, and I certainly hope that that will never, ever happen again. Agent Jackson, I deeply regret that the FBI handed over two million dollars to a man on a terrorist watch list without the capacity to trace it, or managed to follow him for months without knowing his wife was having an affair with a doctor, and I hope you do much better in the future. Captain Taylor, I suppose I should apologize to you for not having been born in Los Angeles, but having seen you work up close now for several months, I can honestly say that try as I might, I can't think of any fair and reasonable system on earth where I wouldn't outrank you. There. I hope that clears everything up.

Mr. Johnson: We're moving to LA!
Brenda: You're what?
Fritz: They're moving here, they're looking for a house in our neighborhood; isn't that exciting?!

Brenda: You see Turrell Baylor in hell, you ask him what I wouldn't dare to do.
Gavin: Oh my God.
Taylor: She doesn't mean it, Gav. Baylor's cost her a lot of grief. If she can get a little mileage out of him, why not.

Don't ask me if you need to talk to me, kay? Just say listen.

Raydor: Did you know that there was a strong likelihood that after you dropped Mr. Baylor off at his home that he'd be beaten to death by his fellow crips?
Brenda: I did not know that, but I do like happy endings.

I came here to arrange survellience of a suspect, not me. This is what comes of settling lawsuits. Putting my name on a special order. We have to worry more about what the suspect will do to us than what we will do to the suspect. You didn't think of that, did you?

Brenda: They can even register as domestic partners, have the same rights as married people.
Provenza: Serves 'em right, too. Why shouldn't they suffer just like everybody else?

Provenza: [Handing out latex gloves] You might want to double up on your protective gear since this is a homocide.
Brenda: You seem to be having trouble with your pronunciation this evening

The Constitution entitles you to a lawyer, Mr. Kingsley, not a firm.

...I like to have answers before I ask questions.

Oh, God; I can't believe it. I've got to arrest those awful Dutton children again.

The Closer Quotes

[To Sgt. Gabriel] I should probably explain that I do not form my relationships with people based on how they're treating you. That would be your mother, maybe.


If I liked being called a bitch to my face, I'd still be married.
