If you attempt to interview Dennis without me, not only will I release Deanna and Devlin, I'll help them escape.

Coroner: That's disturbing.
Brenda: Was I right?
Coroner: That's what's disturbing.

Fritz: Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
Brenda: No, no, no. You know what? It's fine. Really. Are you still not drinkin'? Because I could use a drink. [to server] Excuse me. Hi there. May I have a huge glass of merlot, please? Thank you.

Brenda: What do you suppose Heather would have done if she figured out what Dean was up to?
Lindsay: I hope she would have taken him for everything he's worth.

Pope: What's wrong?
Brenda: I just forgot to take Kitty ourt of my purse this morning.
Pope: Out of ... where is she?
Brenda: She's here.
Pope: I gather she took a turn for the worse.

Brenda: And because the way Force Investigation Division operates, I'll be investigating murders of more good cops. Just like them.
Rayder: Excuse me?
Brenda: When officers are killed in the line of duty, they're investigated by me. When they shoot back, they're investigated by you. That means they'll think twice before defending themselves. That hesitation will mean more good cops will die. I have to ask, have you ever considered what your principles cost?

Brenda: (Holding up the Nazi tattoo design) This isn't enough proof of what Kevin was up to?
Raydor: No. (walks away)
Brenda: Bitch.

Fritz: As a liaison to the LAPD, I could pass on some highly confidential info to you. But you'd have to get back in bed with me for five more minutes.
Brenda: Five minutes? Well, this clearly isn't going to be about me.

Brenda: What else do these eleven stores have in common?
Provenza: Other than free love and patchouli oil?

Brenda: And, for now, you get to be acting Chief.
Pope: Eh, livin' the dream.

[To PHD team] I just want to say that there's been a complaint lodged against me - an anonymous complaint with Internal Affairs and there's a meeting about it tomorrow, and I don't know what's going to happen. Interrogating people, getting to the truth and knowing the right thing to do politically are two very different things. In fact, to do either of them very well, you have to pretty much ignore one of them altogether, which is what I've done. So now...I'm in trouble again, and I don't know if I'll even be here tomorrow evening, and if I'm not, I just wanted to tell you all how much I've enjoyed working with you. Y'all are just, just really great people.

Mrs. Lopez: If you insist on coming back here without our permission, I intend to report you to your superiors for harassment.
Brenda: You might have to take a number.

The Closer Quotes

[To Sgt. Gabriel] I should probably explain that I do not form my relationships with people based on how they're treating you. That would be your mother, maybe.


If I liked being called a bitch to my face, I'd still be married.
