You've made a lot of bad choices today. Don't let this be one of 'em.

Gavin: Sooo, you didn't give the suspect the gun he shot himself with, did you?
Brenda: Gavin, that's not funny.
Gavin: You know what else isn't funny? You have another in custody death without notifying your attorney.

Brenda: David, I want you to be careful here, not start a shootin' match.
Gabriel: I'm with you on that.

My detectives just found three underage boys living at your house. Half naked.

No, it's my father. He's really sick. He's really sick. He just told me last night.

I cannot believe that you would use my father's cancer to manipulate me into giving up this interview. It's awful. Shameful. Shameful!

Flynn: Um...if you don't mind me buttin in, my sister had thyroid cancer.
Brenda: Oh, I'm so sorry. Wait a did you find out?
Flynn: Oh, your father. When they were handing out the gifts...Merry Christmas, I've got cancer! I guess there's no easy way to say it.

Brenda: You see Mrs. Myers, last night there was a terrible accident around the time the car went missing. A 19 year old girl went missing.
Mrs. Myers: Oh my God.
Brenda: We have several witnesses describing a Mercedes exactly like yours.

Pope: Arresting a police commissioner's wife is not going to make us heroes around here.
Brenda: How much worse can it get? I mean, really?
Pope: I guess we'll see.

Well, in my business, finding that card on the body is what we call a clue.

Provenza: Dammit, Chief, how long have you been tracking Stroh's car with a GPS marker?
Brenda: Since the day after the Johnson Rule went into effect. Don't worry, I have a warrant.

Win win win, that's all she cares about. So competitive!

The Closer Quotes

[To Sgt. Gabriel] I should probably explain that I do not form my relationships with people based on how they're treating you. That would be your mother, maybe.


If I liked being called a bitch to my face, I'd still be married.
