I want you to understand something, as far as I'm concerned this friendship is over. And, if we never speak again for the rest of our lives, that'll be fine. I gave you a second chance Peyton and you blew it.

Brooke: Hey cutie! I saw your picture in the paper. Personally, I didn't think it did you justice.
Lucas: No?
Brooke: No. Far too much clothing.

Peyton: Fine. So, this is how it ends. A ten year friendship that survived two dead moms, three absentee parents, shoplifting, jail time and we can't survive one boy.
Brooke: Not one boy. My boy!

Before we end the night I just want to say a few words about Nathan and Haley. I told them once, not too long ago to be happy because someday they'd make us all believe in true love. And, they do. In a few days they're going to renew that love for all of us to see. But, in a way we see it every day. The only difference is that Haley will look fabulous in her dress by Clothes over Bros; which is kind of odd seeing as how she's marrying a bro. But, that's not the point, sorry. One rainy day Nathan Scott proposed to Haley James and the rest is a fairy tale...

Brooke: Now I know how this dress looks on a witch.
Peyton: Go Brooke yourself.

A girl can do anything she puts her mouth to.

Rachel: Slut.
Brooke: Bitch.
Rachel: Whore... Well, I know I'm not in heaven 'cause they'd never let Brooke Davis' skanky ass through the gates.
Brooke: And your ass wouldn't fit. At least not the old one.

Lucas: I decided to go for a run and I ended up here, boy is it raining out.
Brooke: I'm still mad at you Nathan Scott.
Lucas: Haley please listen to me, I know I'm a porn freak.
Brooke: Nathan, it's okay, I like my porn too. And, I Haley myself from time to time but I still need to know that you love me.
Lucas: Someday I'm gonna marry you Haley James, someday.

Brooke: Welcome to my house. Did you come to steal it?
Peyton: Uh, it's Rachel's house, and I'm pretty sure you stole it from her.

Lucas: Brooke, you got a second?
Brooke: This kind of feels like deja vu.
Lucas: Not really. You told me to fight for you and I did. But, you never fought for me.
Brooke: And I'm not going to.
Lucas: Okay, then I guess I was wrong. I'm not the guy for you Brooke Davis.

The truth is, I don't really like to think about college 'cause that means high school's over. After graduation everyone will probably go play basketball, or sing, or start record labels. And I'll have to start all over - alone.

Brooke: Did you see that?
Peyton: What?
Brooke: Nathan just gave her the nod.
Peyton: What nod?
Brooke: The "lets hook up after the game" nod.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.