Cami: Why am I here?
Elijah: Because of all the people who could be here, you're probably the only one he wouldn't immediately slaughter.

There's more to life than the pain they made you feel. A cold beer, a slow song, a good friend. There are good things, Klaus, and you need to see that, too. There's no real peace in revenge.

Klaus: Don't you think for a moment that you failed me. You stayed my hand, quelled my rage, you inspired goodness in me, and unlike all of the souls I've encountered and forgotten in the long march of time, I will carry you with me.
Cami: I guess that makes me immortal.

Cami: I'm gonna die.
Lucien: Yeah apologies, but to be honest your days were numbered the moment you caught Nik's eye.

Cami: I’ve lost count of the amount of times you’ve been there for me and everyone you care about. But today you saved someone who doesn’t mean a thing to you. Why?
Klaus: Because you wished it. Because what’s important to you is important to me. What makes you happy makes me want to keep you so. What scares you, I want to tear apart. I do not wish to watch you from behind glass, Camille.
Cami: What do you wish?

Cami: Maybe we could go for a walk. You could spend, I don't know, 5 seconds, not obsessing about who not to trust and who you're going to murder next.
Klaus: I quite enjoy my obsessions, thank you very much.

Mikael: Let me hazard a guess. You are one of these alienists, right?
Cami: Actually, we're called therapists, and you could do with some couch time.

[to Klaus] Rebekah's out to get you. Elijah's out to get you. Is there anyone who isn't plotting your downfall? I doubt you trust your own reflection.

[to Klaus] I saw the light from the courtyard and took a chance that--you weren't with a half-naked psychowitch. Seems I gambled and lost.

[to Davina] No one can control you unless you let them.

Marcel: Gotta say, never thought I'd see the day vampires were kicked out of the quarter.
Cami: And I never thought I'd be sleeping with one so life is full of surprises.

By hunting Rebekah and Marcel down to the ends of the earth, by terrorizing them the way you yourself were terrorized...don't become your father.

The Originals Quotes

Klaus: Leaving me to do what, exactly?
Hayley: Stay here and protect our daughter.

You're gonna like me, Davina Claire. And I'm gonna let you pretend a while that you don't already.


The Originals Music

  Song Artist
Song Too Late M83 iTunes
Freaks The Hawk In Paris iTunes
Bones MS MR iTunes