Fine. I was on the brink of death when my dark magic kicked in. Diana's grandmother was burying me alive at the time, so if you want, I can give her a call and you can test it out.

Cassie: You tried to steal my power.
Faye: You keep whining about how much you don't want your dark magic. I was doing you a favor.

I have dark magic up to my eyeballs, thanks to you, and I haven't changed.

John: Nice touch, playing up your connection to the skull.
Cassie: What do you mean? I just want to be the one to kill Eben. We all have the same goal, right?
John: No Cassie, we don't all have the same goal. But we will.

Cassie: If you're not using the skull to kill witch hunters, then what is it for?!
John: To kill witches. Every single one without Balcoin blood.

Adam: Is that what I think it is?
Cassie: My family's book of shadows.

Jane: I never even made it inside.
Cassie: But I found your scarf inside his house. This is yours, isn't it?
Jane: Yes, it is. That's strange.
Cassie: Yeah. It is.

Cassie: I've tried to do small spells since but nothing works.
Faye: Like setting more classmates on fire?

Sometimes when we're together, street lights explode. And that may be weird for Diana.

Cassie: Are you doing this?
Adam: We are.

John: Are you okay?
Cassie: Not really. My grandmother is dead and it turns out my father slept with half of Chance Harbor!

Luke: Are you saying you're a longer?
Cassie: I've been called worse.

Secret Circle Quotes

Oh for God's sake, spit it out! You're a witch. You're a full-blooded, hundred percent witch. We all are. There, done.


Cassie: Are you doing this?
Adam: We are.