Archer: How many times do I have to apologize?
Cheryl: Just once would be nice.
Archer: Uh, no.

You really spent your entire inheritence on the poors?

Archer: What's his name?
Cheryl: Babou, but it should be buyer's remorse. Stupid thing's always sick.

Pam: Come on Ms. Archer! You've been in there ten hours, meet us half way and Krieger will let you out of there.
Krieger: Or else he'll crank up the heat again.
Cheryl: I love... that you know how to do that.
Krieger: And I love that I have an erection, that didn't involve homeless people.

Pam: How's the elevator supposed to work with a gillion pounds of computers on it?!
Cheryl: Who am I, Elisha Otis?

Clean the secretly gay for Lucas Troy out of your ears.

(to Archer) You want a drink, (to Lana) you want to lecture us, (to Pam) you want more bear claws, (to Ray), you want to smoke (to Cyril) you want to masturbate, and (to Krieger) you're scared that we'll figure you you're actually just a Krieger clone

It has to be your place. Mine totally reeks of ocelot piss.

Krieger: I needed help disseminating him.
Cheryl: Eww!
Pam: Not what it means.
Lana: Still pretty gross though.

Cheryl: Think about someone else for once in your life.
Lana: And that's her saying that.

Cheryl: I'm gonna use the money to buy an orphanage and then bulldoze it.
Pam: Why?!
Cheryl: Shits and grins. And screams. "Wah, porridge, wah!" Hahahahahaha.
Pam: Well, maybe she'll die.

Cheryl: Mopeds are fun but you don't want to let your buddies see you riding one.
Pam: I thought he meant I was fuel efficient. I had only had 10 ten beers.
Cheryl: 40s?
Pam: NO.... yes.

Archer Quotes

KGB (Crenshaw): This may be old cliche, but... we have ways of making you talk.
Archer: What, your little go-kart battery?
KGB (Crenshaw): Golf cart.
Archer: Whatever. Would you pick an accent and stick with it?

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
