Nate: You know, why do I get the feeling you're actually enjoying this?
Chuck: Call me sentimental.

Serena: So where's Georgina?
Chuck: You're out of luck, she just left.
Serena: Where's Dan?
Chuck: I'm out of luck, he's still here.

Dan: Wait, don't you all hate each other?
Blair: Yes.
Nate: Absolutely.
Chuck: No.

Blair: (kicks Chuck's leg) Break a leg.
Chuck: I think I just did.

Chuck: You know, they say if you love something, you should set it free.
Blair: Ugh! They say when you hate something, you should slam the door in its face.

Mr. Archibald: Wow! Clearly I missed something while I was away. A little advice, fellas: You've been friends a long time. Whoever she is, she's not worth it.
Chuck: I couldn't agree more.
Nate: That's the problem.

[to Blair] I love it when you talk...

Blair: Don't worry, I can be a bitch enough for both of us.
Chuck: I still got the scars on my back to prove it.

My father is someone who goes after what he wants, and Lily van der Woodsen was no exception. In typical Bass man fashion his pursuit was direct, and at times not exactly subtle. One thing I learned about my father’s courtship of Lily is the importance of perseverance. That in the face of true love you don’t just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you too. And one thing I learned from Lily is the importance of forgiveness. She gave my father the gift of a second chance and in kind I watched him become someone actually worthy of that gift. And one day I hope I’ll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me. To the happy couple…

Chuck: Let's take it slow this time. Do it right.
Blair: Blegh... Chuck Bass is a romantic, who knew?
Chuck: Now you do, and it's all what it matters.

Chuck: You don't belong to Nate. Never have, never will.
Blair: You never belong to anyone.

Chuck: Serena look effin hot last night. There's something wrong with that level of perfection. It needs to be violated.
Nate: You are deeply disturbed.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.