What am I suppose to say? "Hi i'm your daughter and I can regrow my kidney"?

Claire: Dad.. Mind if I talk to you about something?
Mr. Bennet: You pregnant?
Claire: What! no..
Mr. Bennet: Doing drugs?
Claire: Dad!

Peter Petrelli: Peter: I... I think I died.
Claire Bennet: Claire Bennet: I've died before... it's no big deal.

Zack: There was a fire 14 years ago in Kermit Texas. Kermit why does that name sound so familar?
Claire: Cause of the frog.

Shoot me! I can't die!

Claire: What if there's something wrong with all of us and they can fix it?
Elle: You're fine. You're perfect.
Claire: No, I'm not. Whatever's happening to you, it's happening to me, too.
Elle: You're still healing, aren't you?
Claire: Yeah. But I can't feel pain. And I think it's only a matter of time before I can't feel anything at all.
Elle: You can't feel pain. I wish I had your problems, Cheerleader. My body is screaming. I'm in agony.
Claire: Go with me. If there's a chance that these people at Pinehearst can help us, we'll go together.
Elle: All right, Dorothy. Then we're off to see the Wizard.

I've fallen 20 stories. Been stabbed in the head. Crashed a car at 70 miles an hour. I've even been on fire. But this hurts... more than any of that. And it's not getting any better. I've always gotten better no matter what, but this just keeps getting worse.

HRG: Do you have any idea what happens if they think I can't control you any more?
Claire: That's the thing, Dad. You can't.

Peter: You saved my life!
Claire: Guess we're even.

That's easy for you to say. You're not wading into the shark-infested water of 11th grade.

That pain, I'm always so grateful for. Because it's the only time I know I'm still human.

I'm the defensive player of the year.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys