I'm the defensive player of the year.

I don't wanna be anyone other than me. I just wanna be Claire Bennet, daughter of Noah Bennet.

Claire: Mr. Bennet, what do you think your greatest strength as a salesman is?
HRG: Well, if they don't agree with me, I can always just shoot them.

Claire Bennet: You... How did you...
Peter Petrelli: Where is he?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. He ran away before I got here.
Peter Petrelli: Police. Go get some help, okay?
Claire Bennet: Okay. I'll be back... Hey. What's your name?
Peter Petrelli: Peter.
Claire Bennet: I'm Claire.
Peter Petrelli: Are you the one? By saving you, did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

Claire: We can tell the world what they did. How they kidnapped me and murdered my father.
Elle: You have no proof. No one would believe you.
Claire: You're probably right. I guess I'm just gonna have to show them. (punches the driver's side window of Elle's car breaking it. Shows the cuts on her hand to Elle as it heals) I'll show everyone exactly what I can do. Once the secrets out, you won't be able to touch me or my family. You'll be the ones running.

High school is different... they have metal detectors for people who lay low.

HRG: Your mom and Lyle are safer this way.
Claire: You've been telling me that since I was 15.

Sandra: What is going on in here?
Lyle: What did Claire do this time?
Claire: Shut up, Lyle!
Noah: Pack your bags. We're moving.
Claire: You can't do that!
Noah: It's not a discussion! We're leaving!
Claire: Then you're leaving without me!

West: You don’t have to pretend anymore. The jig is kinda up, spygirl.
Claire: I’m not pretending. And I’m not a spy, I swear. I just… I’m just a cheerleader.

Sandra Bennet: You should know who you are, and know that it's enough. Because who you are is special.
Claire Bennet: About that... There's something I need to say. Something I never talked about because I thought it would upset you and Dad.
Sandra Bennet: Sweetheart, you can say anything to us. You know that.
Claire Bennet: I think I'm old enough for you to tell me who my real parents are.

Zach: It's not like you're not gonna be popular anymore
Claire Bennet: Popular? Who said anything about being popular? My life as I know it is over, okay? I've got the Bishop game next week, SAT's in October, homecoming's three weeks from today and I'm a freak show!
Zach: You're being a little dramatic, don't you think?
Claire Bennet: No, I don't think! I have busted, like, every bone in my body, stabbed myself in the chest, I've shoved a two-foot steel rod through my neck and I don't have a scratch on me!

Mr. Bennet: Here's my advice, if you'll indulge me: just keep things light and fun as long as you can, like cheerleading.
Claire Bennet: Being a cheerleader is hard work - hard, treacherous work.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys