Sadie: Is the guy in your pajamas your boyfriend? Because if so, then HOT.
Meredith: Right?
Cristina: Hey! Who are you?
Sadie: I'm Sadie, who are you?
Cristina: I'm... I'm Cristina!

Dr. Dixon: There's a blank spot on this board, there's a surgery but no surgeon, I would like to do surgery, but it's an amputation, I haven't done an amputation since my residency.
Cristina: Well, um, that's, that's, really hard to, um ...
Dr. Dixon: Is your stuttering pathological and persistent or is it occasional and stress related?
Cristina: I don't ... stutter?

Lexie: Shall we call a code?
Cristina: There is no code on an outpatient surgery in the middle of the night because normally, this would be done by a surgeon in a regular OR.

Cristina: This is torture for me.
Richard: I'm not even done.
Cristina: Sir?
Richard: Dr. Dixon's back. You'll be spending the day with her. You will impress her. And you will make sure this hospital impresses her. By the end of the day, I want that woman to be my next head of cardio. If she's not, I will know who to blame.

Meredith: You knew? You knew they were going to cut her open?
Cristina: No.
Meredith: They just said you knew!
Cristina: Sutures! I knew they were doing sutures on themselves. And I didn't think I needed to say anything because I shut it down. I handled it!
Meredith: Well apparently you didn't, because it almost cost Lexie her job, not to mention that Sadie almost died in there!

Meredith: Is that what this is about? Derek? It's always going to be about Derek?
Cristina: Okay, fine, it's not about Derek, it's about you and me, and the fact that you didn't have my back in that room!
Meredith: What would you have wanted me to say...
Cristina: I don't know, anything! You should have said anything! You have a relationship with the Chief. You have his ear. But you didn't say anything to defend me! Because this isn't just on me. You just stood there and you watched him take me out of the running for solo surgery. You let me take all the blame. But the fact is that we all had interns in that room. We all failed to supervise them. And if your friend had died in there, that would have been on all of us too. You should have said that.

Lexie: He solicited a patient for money.
Cristina: What are hooking now?
Alex: No my African kid thing.

You're the one who needs to keep his mouth shut, cabbage patch.

Careful when you go in there Mer. Tangle with one Hell's Angel, you tangle with the whole gang.

(looking at pager) Oh, tiny baby heart time.

Some of us don't need to practice.

I'm unstoppable and you got defeated by a piece of plastic covered in urine. Buck up.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
