Linda: What do I do if that weird noise comes back?
Danny: Just turn up the radio.

What happened? No honor among skeeves?

Lansing: I'm Detective Lansing. I just moved over from Internal Affairs.
Danny: Congratulations on getting sprung.

Lansing: You try giving up coffee.
Danny: You'll have to pry that from my cold, dead hands.

And here I thought all Narcotics detectives were a bunch of cocky dirtbags.

Kate: Is there any aspect of public service you Reagans are not involved in?
Danny: Politics. Too many crooks in that.

I never eat or drink anything I can't pronounce.

You wish you could turn into Supergirl and just put the entire family inside your little force field and keep them safe.

Kate: Since when do detectives catch car accidents?
Danny: When they don't think they're accidents.

I don't have much faith in the testimony of someone driving 50 miles an hour, running late for work.

I'm just checking on my kid brother, Sarge. If anyone at IA got a problem with it they can bite me.

Hey Dad. The Batmobile just showed up.