Doctor: If you don't learn how to control your anger your anger will control you.
Danny: Put it on a bumper sticker, Doc.

My jump shots about to make me fifty bucks and it's about to come from your pocket.

Our jobs are suppose to help people not screw them over.

Danny: You got your piece on you?
Erin: Yeah I always bring a gun to family dinner.

What does FBI stand for anyway, Famous But Incompetent?

Apparently she was still just a bank teller and not a bank robber.

Anybody want to go on a wild goose chase with me?

She kind of reminds me of the pretty Italian girl in high school that all the Irish boys fell in love with.

All they want are answers and all we've got are questions.

You operated on the guy twice. What is it now, a heart transplant?

He's right counselor. You'll probably make a lot more dough off of him if you keep him alive.

Hey Dad. The Batmobile just showed up.