Our jobs are suppose to help people not screw them over.

My jump shots about to make me fifty bucks and it's about to come from your pocket.

Doctor: If you don't learn how to control your anger your anger will control you.
Danny: Put it on a bumper sticker, Doc.

Maybe the cops and gang bangers can all hold hands and sing songs in the streets.

Danny: Not for nothing but what happened to going easy?
Wolf: Your way's more fun.

This may be your world but it's out case. We're going to do what we've got to do.

I'm not paid to drink the Kool Aid.

I'm going to find out who did this to you whether you like it or not.

How do you think he feels? He was in some guy's pants.

A detective shield does not a detective make.

I almost went to prison over this cheesecake. You've got to eat some of it.

If I was in IAB's shoes, I'd like me for this too.