Believe it or not there are actually a few nice people in this city.

You do know the '50s was like sixty years ago?

Danny: Please tell me you're not making your infamous veggie lasagna again.
Erin: Don't worry, after all that whining I went full carnivore. This ham should take three years off your life,

Walt Finny. Forgotten but not gone.

My cleaning lady keeps a bazooka too.

Danny: Reagan family rule #1: Reagans can talk smack all night long. Outsiders talk smack, there's going to be a fight.

Grandma always said a family is held together by its secrets.

Everyone's entitled to a private life. A secret life? You're on your own.

Is because encouraging your wife to get plastic surgery while you're running around banging some younger broad would make you look like more of an ass than you already are.

I'm the problem? Usually people got to meet me first before they figure that part out.

There's a lot of bad people out there.

Never take a bottle to a gun fight.