Rory: Dean, please. This is a girl thing.
Dean: Okay. Tell me when I'm supposed to pay attention again.

Lorelai: Could you get rid of it?
Dean: Yeah, yeah.
Lorelai: Don't let his family see you. Spiders are vindictive. And this was a really big spider. I think it had a gun.

Rory: Anything else you want to tell me?
Dean: (Pauses, confused) Corn's two for a dollar?
Rory: Jess has a black eye. Any idea where he got it?
Dean: That would be an extremely long list.

Rory: Battle bots!
Dean: For life!

Dean: So, how are you liking Moby Dick?
Rory: Oh, it's really good.
Dean: Yeah?
Rory: Yeah, it's my first Melville.
Dean: Cool.
Rory: I mean, I know it's kind of clich to pick Moby Dick as your first Melville but hey, how did you know I was reading Moby Dick?
Dean: Uh, well, I've been watching you.
Rory: Watching me?
Dean: I mean, not in a creepy, like, "I'm watching you" sort of way. I just - I've noticed you.
Rory: Me?
Dean: Yeah.
Rory: When?
Dean: Every day. After school you come out and you sit under that tree there and you read. Last week it was Madame Bovary. This week it's Moby Dick.
Rory: But why would you
Dean: Because you're nice to look at, and because you've got unbelievable concentration.
Rory: What?
Dean: Last Friday these two guys were tossing around a ball and one guy nailed the other right in the face. I mean, it was a mess, blood everywhere, the nurse came out, the place was in chaos, his girlfriend was all freaking out, and you just sat there and read. I mean, you never even looked up. I thought, "I have never seen anyone read so intensely before in my entire life. I have to meet that girl."
Rory: Maybe I just didn't look up because I'm unbelievably self-centered.
Dean: Maybe, but I doubt it.
Rory: So did I ask you if you like cake?
Dean: Yeah, ya did.
Rory: Oh, because they have really good cake back there. (Dean laughs)

Dean: My family just moved here from Chicago.
Rory: Chicago? Windy. Oprah.

Rory: So do you like cake?
Dean: What?
Rory: They make really good cakes here. They're very... round.
Dean: Okay, I'll remember that.
Rory: Good. Make a note. You wouldn't want to forget where the round cakes are (gets a did-i-just-say-that look on her face).

(Rory opens Babette's front door, Dean comes in)
Dean: Oh hi! I wasn't expecting you.
Rory: Or me you. I mean, you me. I mean, come on in you.

Dean: Hey, uh, do you have a second?
Rory: No, I have gum.
Dean: No, thanks. Uh, look...
Rory: I have to get back.
Dean: Oh. Ok, uh sure. I'll see you later...

Dean: Well, I've been kind of bugging you lately. Uh, I thought -- I don't know -- I thought that maybe you liked me. But it's obvious that you're not interested so I just wanted to say that I get it and I'm not gonna bother you anymore.
(Dean starts to leave, Rory gets up to follow him)
Rory: Wait! I am interested.
Dean: You are?
Rory: Yes. I gotta go.

Lorelai: Hi, I'm back. Rory went to wash her face.
Dean: Oh okay.
(silence between them for a little bit and Lorelai pauses the movie)
Lorelai: Dean, I don't know exactly how to say this, but um this is a very different kind of household you walked into tonight.
Dean: Yeah, I know.
Lorelai: See, Rory is my daughter.
Dean: Ahh, here comes the talk.
Lorelai: How 'bout I talk, you listen? Rory is a smart kid and she's never been much for guys, so that fact that she likes you means a lot. I don't believe she'd waste her time with some loser.
Dean: But you're watching me?
Lorelai: Sweetheart, the whole town is watching you. That girl in there is beloved around here. You hurt her, there's not a safe place within one hundred miles for you to hide. This is a very small, weird place you've moved to.
Dean: I've noticed.
Lorelai: So, just know all eyes are on you.
Dean: (waits a second) Anything else?
Lorelai: She's not going on your motorcycle.
Dean: I don't have a motorcycle.
Lorelai: She's not going on your motorcycle.
Dean: Fine, she won't go on my motorcycle.
Lorelai: Curfew will be enforced, you will not detract from her schoolwork, and you're gonna start handling those lemons better--
Dean: What?
Lorelai: Dont' interrupt me when I'm speaking. I reserve the right to change, alter, tweak or add to this list of rules at any given time without any written notice, am I clear?
Dean: You're clear.
Lorelai: (nods her head) Good.
Dean: My turn to speak?
Lorelai: (gets a shocked look on her face) Fine, go ahead.
Dean: You can lay on all the rules you want and you can have the whole town spy on me and, and stare at me and chase me through the streets--
Lorelai: Ahh, I like the chasing through the streets idea.
Dean: But, I just want you to know that I'm not going anywhere.
Lorelai: Well it's gonna be a short chase then, isn't it?
Dean: I need you not to hate me. If you hate me, then I don't have a shot in hell with Rory.
Lorelai: Rory has her own mind.
Dean: Yeah, but you're her best friend and what you think means everything to her and you know that.
Lorelai: (her face softens) I wanna like you, because Rory likes you.
Dean: But you don't.
Lorelai: I want too. And I usually get what I want.
Dean: Fair enough (Lorelai resumes the movie). She's taking a long time on her face.
Lorelai: Yeah, well, Rory's a perfectionist.

Rory: That's my mom!
Dean: She's got energy.
Rory: Yeah, well, she's 90 percent water, 10 percent caffeine.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
