Silver: How long you been sleeping?
Dixon: I don't know, I was asleep.

This is Johnny Ramone? I thought it was Howard Stern.

Dixon: Want to go with me to homecoming?
Silver: No
Dixon: Really? Why?
Silver: Because it's everything that's wrong with this place.... it's a big popularity contest set to music

Silver: I need you to do one thing for me.
Dixon: I know. I'll never lie to you again.
Silver: No, not that. Introduce me to Denzel!

Dixon: Christina came along and she exposed me to some really amazing things. But, I know you hate her.
Silver: Okay, well hate is a very strong word. Loathe and detest, maybe.

Dixon: Want to get some lunch?
Silver: Yes. But first I'm just finishing up a piece on my creepy custodian guy. You know, the one with the lazy eye? I'm fairly certain he was checking out my ass this morning. But then again, maybe he was just tired.

Dixon: The only way to get over a girl is to get a new girl.
Navid: Hell to the YES!

If Dixon wants a girl, Dixon gets a girl!

Silver, us being here together. That's what makes this perfect.

Dixon: Are you sure you're ready for this?
Silver: I've never been more ready for anything in my life.

I'm here. And I'm gonna help you get help.

Dixon: This sucks.
Debbie: Dixon, how about a new phrase? Like this bites or this blows? Because you've been saying this sucks for the last 1,500 miles.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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