Jane: I hate it when you drive.
Maura: I hate it more when you undress and drive.

You also said that conceiving me was the biggest mistake of your life.

Jane: Maura, what are you doing?
Maura: Looking for the oblivion of sleep.

Maura: I feel very silly.
Jane: You're going to feel even sillier when I push you out with my feet.

Maura: You slept with Raphael?
Jane: We didn't sleep, Maura.

Your dress is a real booty call magnet. I got hit on twice, by women.

Eighteenth century beer sucks.

Maura: Well what am I suppose to get you for your birthday?
Jane: What is that? The duck boat ride?

Why can't we dress like call girls? They look so cute.

Jane: I hate it when you correct me.
Maura: I hate it when you forget about Mr. Adverb.

Maura: Males seek mates capable of nursing offspring. Abundant breasts do suggest...
Jane: You know what his abundant belly suggest? Snowball's chance in hell.

May I have one of your hairs with the root ball attached, please?