Weird vibes out here.


Nick: What are you doing?
Eddie: No way, dude I can't be around that guy he's way too potent. I almost bought him a drink.

Whoa there 5-0. Don't you have a partner for this?


Hey, look at that multiple uses.

Let's not let this get out of hand, I just had the carpet cleaned.


Monroe: Was that supposed to happen?
Rosalee: I hope so.

We don't kill our own.


What up bro.

Okay that warrants a "how the hell did it do this?!"

I'm glad you know how to clock a dude with a brick.

Nick: A rabbit?
Eddie: I, uh, relapsed.
Nick: Maybe she is not the right girl for you.

Nick: Munroe, it's Nick, open up!
Eddie: Maybe I should get you your own key.

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
