Monroe: Don't you need a warrant for that?
Nick: You're right, you open it.
Monroe: Oh, okay.

When it comes to you and Nick I'm certainly privy to more than most.

I don’t know how you handle family issues, but I hope you’re not going to let him get away with this.

Monroe: I’ve been thinking that we should, you know, maybe think about moving in together.
Rosalee: I’ve been thinking about that too.
Monroe: Because I love you.
Rosalee: That’s a relief because I love you too.

You know, I appreciate the spirit, but this is not an assault.

Well, we're one key closer to...God knows what.

Nick: The problem is... I like being a Grimm.
Monroe: Are you serious? You miss it?
Nick: Yeah. And I'm pissed it was taken away from me.

Monroe: 'Cause I gotta stop thinking Nick and Juliette, or Nick and Adalind, or Adalind *with* Juliette. I mean, the whole thing is like some bizarre, convoluted ménage à trois.
Rosalee: [appalled] Monroe, we have a guest!
Monroe: ...Sorry, Trubel.
Trubel: Oh, I know what 'convoluted' means.

So there's actually a reason for fruitcake!

Rosalee: Are Nick and Juliette coming over?
Monroe: No... more like Nick and Hank.
Rosalee: Well, that didn't take long.

Monroe: It's just... time.
Rosalee: What?
Monroe: We never know how much we're gonna have.

Did she say anything along the lines of, like, "Sorry, I didn't mean to beat up folks I never met before"?

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
