Elijah: Would you like some help?
Hayley: You might need to use all your vampire strength.

I recognize that tone of voice, Klaus. Clearly you have some diabolical machination. What is it?

Marcel: She'll never trust me again.
Elijah: Perhaps. You must never surrender the fight to regain that trust.

Mikael: Stand with me or fall with him. Choose son.
Elijah: I will always choose him.

Hayley: You came back.
Elijah: I always come back.

Elijah: Niklaus, I understand your anger, but I implore you, be better than him. Do what he could not. Demonstrate the grace of mercy rather than this petty cruelty.
Klaus: You ask me to show mercy to one who has wronged me? You really don't know me at all, do you, brother?

Elijah: We must work together, Niklaus. Let's make the city whole again.
Klaus: Perhaps it is too broken to mend.

Klaus: Not a fan of cerulean blue?
Elijah: Not a fan of your continued indifference.

Hayley: I just told you that I am betrothed in some backwater arrangement made by people that I never knew. Tell me that you think betrothals are stupid. Tell me that I have a choice.
Elijah: You will always have a choice.

Hayley: I killed 8 wolves tonight before I got to Francesca. Eight of my own people. What's noble about that? I acted no better than a--
Elijah: Than a vampire.

Marcel: You want my help finding Davina, I need to know where you stand. Klaus is Team Wolf. Which side are you?
Elijah: I don't do teams.

[to Mia] As a devout feminist, I refuse to say you hit like a girl.

The Originals Quotes

Klaus: Leaving me to do what, exactly?
Hayley: Stay here and protect our daughter.

You're gonna like me, Davina Claire. And I'm gonna let you pretend a while that you don't already.


The Originals Music

  Song Artist
Song Too Late M83 iTunes
Freaks The Hawk In Paris iTunes
Bones MS MR iTunes