Gia: So it all worked out, and yet I don't recall hearing 'Nice job, Gia. Really appreciate the help.'
Elijah: Forgive me. I was a little tied up trying to prevent Niklaus from being...well...Niklaus. Nice job, Gia. Really appreciate the help.

Elijah: Niklaus, if we cannot trust one another, we cannot work together.
Klaus: No, we cannot.

I'm not in the habit of asking permission.

Esther: You brought me back from the dead to torture me.
Elijah: My dear mother. We simply need your blood. Though in the event you end up suffering I can't say I won't enjoy it immensely.

Freya: She's getting bigger by the second.
Elijah: Thank you for all of your care.
Freya: Tomorrow's the full moon. I can help her bring you to Haley if you like?

Always and forever indeed.


You're scared. Because the people you love are angry with you.


This doesn't frighten you, brother, but one day your daughter will know exactly the kind of man that her father is. If anything should happen to Hayley, you mark my words, no one will have to take Hope from you. She will without question leave you of her own accord.

Elijah: Well, I am no stranger to death, young Lucien. Or third-rate prophecies for that matter.
Lucien: Or maybe immortality has finally soured for you. After all, you've abandoned your eternal efforts to save Nik's soul. What's left for the legendary Elijah Mikaelson without that motivation?

[to Hayley] I thought only of you. Every day I fought for your return, searching for a way. You were not forgotten.

I'm afraid we might have to resort to something deliciously medieval here, brother.

Klaus: Have you finally forgiven me?
Elijah: I will consider it. When Hayley forgives you, Gia rises from the dead, and Hell has frozen over.

The Originals Quotes

Klaus: Leaving me to do what, exactly?
Hayley: Stay here and protect our daughter.

You're gonna like me, Davina Claire. And I'm gonna let you pretend a while that you don't already.


The Originals Music

  Song Artist
Song Too Late M83 iTunes
Freaks The Hawk In Paris iTunes
Bones MS MR iTunes