Aiden: Double infinitiy.
Emily: A journey with no end.

Emily: After I lost my dad, all I ever wished for was just to see him one more time. I'd settle for five minutes, one more kiss goodnight.
Nolan: Your wish came true.

You murdered my father. You and I have unfinished business.

Destruction is in my DNA. Take it up with Darwin.

Emily: You have done and sacrificed so much for me. You know how much I care about you. But...
Jack: But what?
Emily: I can't, Jack. I'm sorry.

Emily: Jack, I'm so sorry.
Jack: Don't waste time being sorry. Just finish whatever it is you're gonna do.

If I don't make it out of this, tell Jack that I love him.

Emily: Am I talking to Jack Porter my friend, or Jack Porter of the Suffolk County Police Department?
Jack: You're talking to the guy who watched a huge part of his life go up in flames last night and deserves to know why.

Victoria: From the second I laid eyes on you, I knew something was wrong. And now this is where it ends. Fitting.
Emily: I don't think we've come to the end just yet, Victoria.

Ben: I do understand how hard it is to break people's trust in order to protect them. Not being able to be yourself, having to push people away, it gets to you after a while. It's lonely. So while I don't know exactly what you've been through, I know it must have been for the right reasons if you were willing to sacrifice so much.
Emily: Thank you for saying that.
Ben: So what do you say that tomorrow, we start over?
Emily: I'd like that very much.

[to Conrad] I was always drawn to the Old Testament God--the one who avenges. If you sinned, you paid a price. That seemed fair to me.

I'm not destroying lives, Amanda. I'm righting wrongs.

Revenge Quotes

Two wrongs can never make a right because two wrongs can never equal each other.


Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
