I can't believe that after everything I said and everything that's happened, you're worried about me.

The phrase 'gag me' comes to mind.

Dixon: Christina came along and she exposed me to some really amazing things. But, I know you hate her.
Silver: Okay, well hate is a very strong word. Loathe and detest, maybe.

Teddy: I just got frustrated.
Silver: I get frustrated, too, sometimes, but I don't turn into a homophobic jerk.

Dixon: Want to go with me to homecoming?
Silver: No
Dixon: Really? Why?
Silver: Because it's everything that's wrong with this place.... it's a big popularity contest set to music

I'm a strange girl whose gonna have the most rockingest half birthday ever!

Those dimples are not gonna get you in to Harvard.

Silver [to Dixon]

I can't do this. I'm the other woman. I'm a cheater and a liar. And your iguana is touching me.

Teddy: Did he just hit on me?
Silver: Good things are going to start happening to Teddy.

You'll learn to dig me, trust me.

Oh, she's going down!

Silver [after discovering Adrianna's tap water trickery]

Teddy: I think I'm becoming one of those relationship people. Oh my God, I'm lame.
Silver: You are not lame. You're just a good guy who's ready to get back on the relationship burro.
Teddy: Still a horrible expression. But yeah, I think I am.
Silver: It's really great. To getting back on the burro.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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