If you don't mind, my friends just had a baby so there's another slimy little human who needs my attention.

Ray: You know, most girls would be flattered that I spent $1.2 billion just to hire them, even if I do have a fairly genius plan for rebranding the stores.
Felicity: In case you haven't noticed, I am not most girls and I don't need this. Or you. Or any of this.

Felicity: You don't really think you're afraid of yourself, do you?
Oliver: I think I'm afraid of what will happen if I let myself become Oliver Queen.

You had an affair with Malcolm Merlyn about one year before Thea was born. Merlyn is Thea's father.

Never meet your heroes, right?

I was in this, I guess you could call it a group, in college. We were hactivists, for a lack of a better word. Civil disobedience via the world wide web. I created this, this super virus, that could give us access to any infected server. We could expose government fraud, start virtual sit-ins and digitally deface criminals. I guess you could say it was my first attempt at being a hero.

I've already seen you shirtless. Multiple times. Shirtless. All the time.

Felicity: I'm glad you're still here.
Donna: You are a terrible liar, Felicity. It might be the only thing we have in common.
Felicity: I have blonde hair.
Donna: You dye it.
Felicity: You're right. We're different and we're always gonna be that way and it's not easy...
Donna: No. You know what? It's totally my fault for showing up here uninvited. Seriously. I think I just got so excited about this free flight.

Oliver: Would you like to go out to dinner with me?
Felicity: I'm being serious here, Oliver.
Oliver: So am I.
Felicity: I don't want to read too much into this, but are you asking me out on a date, like an actual date, like a date, date?
Oliver: Sure, I mean, usually the implication being with dinner...
Felicity: Usually I'm the one talking in sentence fragments.
Oliver: Would you like to go to dinner with me?
Felicity: Yes.

Roy: Does this group have a name, like "Team Arrow" or something?
Oliver: We don't call ourselves that.
Felicity: I do. Occasionally.
Oliver: Stop.
Diggle: Welcome aboard.

Felicity: Well, you did it.
Oliver: I had help.
Felicity: Yeah. It was really smart, the way you outfoxed him. Talk about unthinkable. You and me, I mean. When you told me you loved me, you had me fooled. For a second, I thought that maybe you might have meant it, what you said. You, you really sold it.
Oliver: We both did.
Felicity: Let's go home.

Uh oh. You got angry face.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
