Felicity: I was out of line and I'm sorry.
Ray: Do you want to tell me what had you so upset?
Felicity: I lost a friend of mine. He was more than a friend, actually. I'm not sure what we were, but he's gone.
Ray: I'm sorry.
Felicity: And three months ago another friend of mine died. I'm 25 years old. I'm over my quota where losing friends are concerned. And you're a friend. So if you want to go out there, if you want to commit suicide, I can't stop you, but I don't have to help you.

Laurel: So you don't have to worry. I'm not going to be putting on that mask again. I'm not strong enough to fight for Sara.
Felicity: Maybe you're not supposed to. Maybe it's not about Sara, or Oliver or anyone else that we care about who we lost. Maybe what we're doing, we've been doing because there are people that we care about that are still alive. Maybe we're doing it for them.
Laurel: I thought you quit.

Lance: We need help, we need it now. Look, I know you said the Arrow is gone, are you sure about that?
Felicity: Yes, I am. But I think I know where to find the Canary.

Roy: We can't do this without Oliver, can we? Felicity was right.
Felicity: Actually, I was wrong, and I'm not wrong a lot.

Roy: Us? What, are you and Laurel a team now?
Felicity: I was wrong when I said Oliver's mission was over because it's not just Oliver's mission anymore. It's ours. It's our home that is under attack.
Laurel: For all we know, Oliver could be dead and Sara certainly is, but there are people that are still alive. People who need us.

Customer: You could always change my mind over dinner? Unless that just put me on your creepy customer list?
Felicity: You're asking me out?
Customer: Now I'm regretting it.
Felicity: No, like I'm flattered and everything. Woah, still got it.

Ray: I thought you weren't gonna help with my suicide mission.
Felicity: Well, that's the thing. With my help, you might not wind up dead.

Felicity: OK. I'll send Arsenal over once the next brush fire is put out.
Lance: Arsenal? What, are you guys just pullin' names out of a hat now?

Felicity: Merlyn is a monster. You're in this situation, Thea is in this situation because of him.
Oliver: Felicity, it's...
Felicity: No, just a few hours ago I stood right here and I swore that there was no way that you would ever agree to work with Malcolm Merlyn. Not ever! I guess I was wrong about everything. I need some air. I'm glad you're not dead.

Before you left, the last thing you said to me was that you loved me. Now you're back and the first thing you tell me is that you're working with the man who turned your sister, a woman you're supposed to love, into a killer who killed a woman you used to love! I don't want to be a woman that you love.

Roy: You tagged Laurel with a tracer?
Oliver: If she's gonna be reckless, I need to know what she's doing.
Felicity: Well she's definitely doing something. I'm just not exactly sure how reckless it is.

Roy: You think you're the only person who can stand up for Thea?
Oliver: I'm trying to figure out why you're standing up to me!
Diggle: Alright. Maybe we just need to throttle back.
Felicity: No! We need this. Oliver, you were gone, dead, at least we thought you were, and we had to go on with our lives and doing that meant not doing things your way.
Oliver: Fine. I'm back now!
Felicity: That doesn't mean we can go back! And you do not have the right to come back here and question everyone's choices.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
