I sort of worship Eric Clapton and Ochocinco.

When I pulled the sandwich out, I saw the face of God. Literally.

Her boobs aren't that great, but they're still girl boobs and I'd still like to touch them.

They choose totally go to Jew church and wear those hats and eat that salty orange stuff with their bagels.

Kurt: You have issues with me being gay.
Finn: No. I have issues with the fact that you don't understand that 'no means no.'

Rachel: I'm only really generous if there's something in it for me.
Finn: Yeah. But I still like you.

I'm with Rachel now. She's a lot shorter than Quinn and she talks a lot, but I love her.

I have no idea what's going on in this script, and it's not in a cool Inception kind of way.

Finn: I don't need to hide behind my muscles.
Sam: Awesome. I think. Are you insulting me?

Finn: Are you sure we should free 300 live doves indoors? Won't that get messy?
Kurt: That's why we feed them glitter.

Finn: Are we a part of something special, you and me?
Rachel: Yes.
Finn: I love you.

I'm not afraid of being called a loser. Because that's what I am.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
