They hit you with a bottle you hit back with a nuclear missile.

I can be your top cop Grace. It doesn't make me your guy. World of difference there.

We got a big divide here. You want to win all their hearts and minds and I want to grab some of them by the short and curlies.

Grace: We need shock and awe here.
Frank: We need evidence and corroboration.

Can I just say that I have often wondered what kind of fantastic woman has dinner with her in-laws every single Sunday without complaint.

A week at the beach. Amen to that too.

Jamie: I thought I was just another cop.
Frank: You are. You're also a lawyer and you'll understand the why of this more than most.

If you ever withhold vital information from me again, you'll be gone in a heartbeat.

When one of our own goes down we step it up a notch. Especially this family.

I always feel like a wet blanket at the retirement parties. Like the fun starts after I walk out the door.

Do good work. Come back in one piece. Thank you for your service.

Erin: If anyone's going to punch my ex out it's going to be me.
Frank: I wouldn't mind being there to see that.