Baker: Think you can handle another round?
Frank: Better eat your spinach.

It's Homeland Security. They're not very big on sharing the particulars.

Garrett: So remind me what's the advantage to having your dad be P.C.
Frank: I build character.

Director Mason: Collateral damage.
Frank: Don't give me that. That's just your spin for bad planning.

Balls is knowing the cost and going ahead anyway.

If you say win-win I'll never return another call.

As a cop and as a man I sleep just fine on that score.

It's funny how your mind can play tricks on you when your life is on the line.

Even priests do penance, Jerry

Kelly: You're putting kids in harm's way.
Frank: These kids live in harm's way. We're trying to do something about that.

I play hard but I don't play dirty.

Erin: If anyone's going to punch my ex out it's going to be me.
Frank: I wouldn't mind being there to see that.