What kind of PC orders his people to break the law?

I can think of no other profession where you're told to bench your talents and then you're penalized if you don't.

It is the law and because it is the law we are damn sure going to see that it is carried out.

They are the finest police department on the planet but they carry guns and shields not magic wands.

Let's appeal to the sense of pride in the professional criminal.

Frank: You didn't seem eager to protect me from that reporter.
Garrett: Sometimes I think it's the reporters that need protecting.

Frank: Just remember what Sister Margaret Mary always said.
Danny: Are you really going to tell me to play well with others?

Kelly: Even the FBI and the CIA are subject to Congressional oversight.
Frank: That's their problem.

The inspector general can investigate anything she wants it doesn't mean I have to start singing.

Being safe can cost you something but it beats the hell out of the alternative.

The judgement comes if there's something we miss and innocent people die.

Erin: If anyone's going to punch my ex out it's going to be me.
Frank: I wouldn't mind being there to see that.