It's funny how your mind can play tricks on you when your life is on the line.

As a cop and as a man I sleep just fine on that score.

If you say win-win I'll never return another call.

Balls is knowing the cost and going ahead anyway.

Director Mason: Collateral damage.
Frank: Don't give me that. That's just your spin for bad planning.

Garrett: So remind me what's the advantage to having your dad be P.C.
Frank: I build character.

It's Homeland Security. They're not very big on sharing the particulars.

Baker: Think you can handle another round?
Frank: Better eat your spinach.

Seems the rats and pigeons are safe and secure for the night. Move on.

Do good work. Come back in one piece. Thank you for your service.

I always feel like a wet blanket at the retirement parties. Like the fun starts after I walk out the door.

When one of our own goes down we step it up a notch. Especially this family.