Is it weird that I find the sound of their bickering comforting?

Oliver: Does this house look weird to you?
Gail: We're in suburbia. Every house looks weird to me.

Who really cares as long as I'm happy.

What I've noticed is that one of us grew up and became a real cop and the other's just a boy polishing his little gun. Careful it doesn't go off in your hand.

Perik: You're taller than I remember.
Gail: Well I guess it's hard to gauge a person's height when they're tied to a table.

Dov: So what do you think? Flight or fight?
Gail: Neither. This guy looks like a weeper.

Andy: Sixty percent of men look at your eyes first.
Gail: Yeah, well sixty percent of men are lying.

So because I'm a woman I can't possibly be interested in a relationship based solely on sex.

You can't punish yourself forever. That's my job.

Nick: Am I allowed to recall what you look like naked?
Gail: Do you want me to punch you in the face?

I will hit a gir

If you ever cared about me at all you'd find me some coffee.

Rookie Blue Quotes

There is absolutely no training that prepares you for life on the street.

Staff Sgt. Boyko

First rookie out of their cuffs drinks for free. Everyone else pays.

Oliver Shaw