Gail: It brings out the mean girl in me.
Traci: Everybody brings out the mean girl in you.

Chloe: You're like a terrible person.
Gail: Like I haven't heard that before.

You are the bad guy. You, Ms Perfect never hurt a fly McNally are the bad guy. And look at it, it's just killing you.

Gail: Holly, I'm a police officer.
Holly: That doesn't mean you've got to go out there and put yourself in danger.
Gail: Yeah, it kind a does.

The king of the dorks has found his queen. The nerd empire can rejoice.

Let me just be clear here. This date's not going very well for you but I'm going to stay and enjoy this festive latte and then I'm going to go home. Alone. Because there's not enough alcohol in the world to get me in bed with you.

I'm really hungry and I want to get drunk.

I take it back. Wingtips are terrifying.

Gail: Do you know how many recipes you can make with cheese puffs?
Nick: Please tell me it's just one.

Holly: I used to be like that but it turns out I didn't like men.
Gail: Well, I don't think I like men either.
Holly: I mean I'm a lesbian.
Gail: Oh, I mean I hate people.

Nick: Wanna go back to my place.
Gail: I'm allergic to your cheap sheets, remember?

Chris: I feel like someone's breaking up the band.
Gail: Now that's just silly because we're not a band. But if we were, I would be Yoko. So you all should be celebrating.

Rookie Blue Quotes

There is absolutely no training that prepares you for life on the street.

Staff Sgt. Boyko

First rookie out of their cuffs drinks for free. Everyone else pays.

Oliver Shaw