George Sr.: Hey, by the way, I broke this thing. What the hell is it, anyway?
Michael: That's a breast pump, dad.
George Sr.: Oh, well, I did not use it for that.

(about Lucille) Sounds tense. That means she's not getting any from my brother Oscar.

I'm going crazy with the boredom, Michael. At least in prison, we had knife fights and we had movie night and once, both. Those men did not enjoy Soapdish.

George Sr.: My back is in knots. I haven't had a massage since prison.
Michael: Hope that was forced ...

If you play me, you got to play me like a man and not like some mincing little Polly or Nellie! I get those names confused. Apology. (to dolls) Apologies all around.

George, Sr.

Tobias: What are you doing up here?
George, Sr.: I'm having a f**king tea party, what does it look like I'm doing?
(He shoves Tobias up against the wall with his hand against his mouth)
George, Sr.: I'm living up here and if you tell anyone about this, I will f**king kill you. Ah, stop licking my hand, you horse's ass.

George: Are you ready for the bombshell?
Michael: Andy Griffith wasn't the bombshell?
George: I'm a patsy. I was set up by the Brits. A group of British builders operating outside the O.C.
Michael: Don't call it that.

These are dangerous people, Michael. They will do whatever it takes to get inside this family and bring us down....Oh, they're polite and the men all sound gay, but they will rip out your heart. And their breath...

Michael: We've got a picture of you with Saddam Hussein.
George Sr.: I thought that was the guy who played the Soup Nazi. I told him how much I liked his work!

Michael: What's the surrogate doing here?
George Sr./Larry: We're meeting with the lawyers, so I've hired this guy to be my eyes and ears.
Michael: You know, dad, this guy costs us a fortune.
Larry: He's worth every penny.
George Sr.: Hey, I didn't say that.

Sitwell: This isn't what it looks like!
George Sr.: Oh really? Cause it looks like a monument to George W. Bush.
Sitwell: Well you got me.

George Sr.: I always talk about being a great man. Maybe the way to do that isn't by being the biggest businessman in Southern California. It's by...
Oscar: It's by being the best brother in Southern California.