What is it the kids say? Awwwwkward!

Harry: I know you're upset with your mom.
Dixon: Whatever. It's not like she's my real mom.

Debbie: Can we get some details?
Harry: Dirty deets, as the kids say?

Annie: You're not gonna tell any stupid jokes during dinner, right?
Harry: When you say stupid, you mean hilarious, right?

I've barely exchanged 10 words with Kelly since we realized she had a crush on me... since you realized she had a crush on me.

Harry: How could you do that?
Naomi: I never thought it would go this far.

Harry: Did you pick up the dry cleaning?
Deb: Hey, I'm fine. Day was fine. Thanks for asking.

Come on. This is gonna be fun. We got the weather, we got the palm trees, we got the... more palm trees.

Dixon: I'm really sorry.
Harry: Me too. I thought you were better than this.

Kelly Taylor: You know exactly what Beverly Hills people are like.
Harry: Exactly why I moved to Kansas.

Mrs. Clark and I went out for a bit back in high school.

I'm trying to figure out when to be your principal and when to be your dad.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
