Christmas is gonna have to wait.

Callen: It's hard to find good friends in our line of work.
Hetty: It's hard to find them anywhere.


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Callen: You would have made a great mother, Hetty.
Hetty: I like to think I have.

Welcome back, Mr. Deeks.

Eric: It's bad.
Nell: It's all bad.
Hetty: Aww, bugger.

No one loses when the game's a draw.

Hetty: Remember me?
Kelvin Griffin: You're the stump who ruined my life.

You'll be needing a clean shirt, Miss Blye.

Kensi: When will I be back?
Hetty: When the job's done.

Granger: Beginning of the end?
Hetty: End of the beginning.

They always come back, Owen. Until one day they don't.