Hiro Nakamura: You learn Japanese very quickly.
Charlie: Lately I've just been able to remember the words.
Hiro Nakamura: You have power. I have power too. It will only get stronger in the future.
Charlie: The future. Right, I forgot that's where you come from.

I loved her.

Hiro Nakamura

Look at me. I saved the world... twice. I'm a man without a quest.

We need to set a trap. That's what Batman always does with Catwoman.

You are not faster than me, nemesis.

My name is Hiro Nakamura... I am here to save your life!

Hiro Nakamura: You learn very fast.
Charlie Andrews: Yeah, lately I sorta remember everything I read. It's kind of a skill, I guess.
Hiro Nakamura: My skill much more complicate.
Charlie Andrews: [laughing] Yeah? What can you do?
Hiro Nakamura: [hesitates for a moment] I can teach Japanese to anyone.

Ando Masahashi: What happens if we get to New York and it explodes?
Hiro Nakamura: If we get to New York, it won't explode. That's the idea, it's the heroic journey.
Ando Masahashi: It's your heroic journey.
Hiro Nakamura: It's our heroic journey. You don't have to have superpowers to be a hero.

Knox: You're the one with the powers?
Hiro: Yes. I control time and space.
Knox: Cool.

Adam Monroe: This bar is the go-to destination of specials for hire.
Hiro: Just like the cantina!

How do you stop an exploding man?

Ando Masahashi: [after winning in a game of roulette] I won! I won! Did you see that? I won!
Hiro Nakamura: Okay. Let's leave now.
Ando Masahashi: Now? Are you kidding? I'm on a roll!
Hiro Nakamura: No. You're not.
Ando Masahashi: But I just won. Big.
Hiro Nakamura: I did it. I stopped time. Moved the ball. You won because of me.
[Ando looks at Hiro surprised]
Hiro Nakamura: It's horrible. I'm a terrible person. But it was our last dollar.
Ando Masahashi: It's genius. Do it again!
Hiro Nakamura: No! It's cheating.
Ando Masahashi: Is Peter Parker cheating when he sells pictures of Spider-Man?
Hiro Nakamura: No.
Ando Masahashi: All heroes have a system. This is our system.
Hiro Nakamura: [smiles and shouts in English] Let it ride!

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys