Meredith: You know we really should get some sleep before rounds.
Cristina: Sleep is for wimps. Sleep is for Mercy West residents. Lets ah, fit in another trauma before rounds.
Alex: Don't say anything about the wig.
Izzie: I'm back. Yes, I am early... but whatever. I'm back. And because I've been one so long, the first trauma that comes through those doors, it's mine. Got it?
(Everyone just stares at Izzie's wig)
Izzie: It's amazing right?
Meredith: What?
Cristina: What's amazing?
Izzie: The wig.
Meredith: Yeah.
Cristina: Oh, it looks so real I couldn't even tell.
Meredith: Mhm.
Izzie: I've always wanted to try out being a red head, so I just thought nows the time.
Alex: Well, what's wrong with your own hair?
Izzie: It's peach fuzz chemo hair, and I really wanted to put my patients at ease. Make them feel comfortable.
Cristina: (whispers to Mer) She looks like a Stepford wife, you've gotta tell her.
Meredith: (smiling) She can't handle it. Just don't stare.

Intern 1: You're back!
Izzie: I am.
Intern 2: My mom's whole church prayed for you.
Izzie: Thank you.
Steve: It looks really real.
Izzie: I know right.

Derek: Dr Stevens. I'm surprised to see you back so soon. You look great.
Izzie: Thank you. So do you.
Derek: How are you feeling?
Izzie: I feel great, how do you feel?
Derek: No, what I meant was...
Izzie: I know what you mean. I feel fine. I'm ready to work. Here is Mr Trinidad's latest pre op labs, I told him you'd stop in to say hello before the surgery. And, unless there's anything else you can think of that I need to know I was gonna run to get his consent forms.
Derek: That pretty much covers it. Unless anybody has any questions?
Steve: Is there anything you can tell us about the merger? Because, I'm having a baby. I mean, my wife is having a baby. I mean, resident Megan is having a baby. I mean, am I gonna lose my job?
Derek: Right now I'm concerned about my patient. You should be too.

Izzie: Ok, Mr Trinidad you shunt revision is pretty simple. It shouldn't take longer than an hour. But, I do need to go over the possible complications with you.
Alex: Dr Steven's, can I have a word.
Izzie: Ah, if you could just give me a minute here till I'm done Dr Karev.
Alex: I'm sorry, this will only take a minute.
Izzie: Excuse me.... What?
Alex: How are you holding up?
Izzie: Fine.
Alex: Did you take your meds this morning?
Izzie: Not yet but I will.
Alex: You're supposed to take them at 9.
Izzie: it's only a little after 9.
Alex: It's 10:15. Run down to her locker and get her meds. Are they in your purse?
Izzie: Yes, but you don't have to get them.
Alex: Yes you do.
Izzie: No you don't. Alex.
Alex: I swear to god if you don't go and get her pills right now, I'm gonna hurt you, and I'm gonna like it.

Izzie: You can't do this. You can't treat me like I'm sick. My patients need to have faith in me. What are you doing?
Alex: Your wig, it was crooked.
Izzie: Ow!
Alex: Look, I'll stop hovering if you stop acting like an idiot. Your next pill's at 2 o'clock. You can't take it on an empty stomach.
Izzie: Ok.

Alex: I need to speak with Dr. Stevens please.
Izzie: Alex, I'm in surgery.
Alex: izzie.
Izzie: Alex, leave. Dr Shepherd, could you please tell Dr Karev to leave.
Derek: Karev.
Alex: She gets tired walking to the mail box. She can't handle another 5 hour surgery.
Izzie: I know what I can handle.
Alex: No one's gonna think any less of you if you walk out of her now. Just walk out now.
Derek: Steven's have this conversation outside.
Izzie: No, I'm not leaving. Alex!

Izzie: Thank you.
Derek: A little more suction.
(Alex knocks on window)
Alex: It's 2 o'clock Izzie!
Izzie: Oh my god.
Derek: Stevens no more fighting in my OR. Go deal with this.

Izzie: I hate you.
Alex: Shut up.
Izzie: (takes her meds) Ok. Good. Thank you.
Alex: Shut up. Get back to work.

Derek: Ok, the bleeding's stopped. Let's close up. Stevens scrub out.
Izzie: No, I'm fine. I'm your resident, I've got it.
Derek: Someone else can close up. You've been on your feet for five hours, you look exhausted.
Izzie: I'm not, I'm fine.
Derek: You're dripping with sweat.
Izzie: Ok. You know what, just take my wig off. Just take it off. Take it off. Oh god, just pat down my head. Ok. Alright, just put the cap back on. Thank you. I'm fine.

Alex: What's going on. You paged us.
Meredith: Check your email.
Izzie: For what?
Meredith: HR. If you got cut, you'll have an email. I didn't get one, but... I've been calm through this crisis. I have been calm. But, if one of us gets cut I will not be calm!
Cristina: No email.
Alex: I'm fine.
Izzie: I'm good too.
Meredith: Good. See, I knew it! I knew it! I knew none of us would get cut.
Cristina: Yet. There's gonna be another round.

Izzie: I forgot he was dead today. For a few hours in surgery, I forgot I had cancer and I forgot he was dead.
Alex: But, George is dead. And you do have cancer. I want you to keep doing what you love. You're a great doctor, and you have a fantastic future ahead of you. But, you've gotta step up and start taking care of yourself. You've gotta take your meds, you've gotta eat. You've gotta pace yourself, 'cause I can't be your nurse. I can't.

Izzie: Are you sure it was a bear and not a deer? There's a lot of deer in those woods. Bucks can get pretty big.
Alex: I think I know the difference between a bear and a deer.
Izzie: (to patient) Rest, ice and elevate. Ok?
Alex: You know... You know how I got the the car? I had to throw a raw steak and run for my life!
Izzie: That was a 10 ounce fillet, I'd been marinating it for 3 days.
Alex: We have to move!

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
