IZZIE: "I'm a pretty girl."
RICHARD: "What?"
IZZIE: "I'm not being arrogant, it's just, it's just kind of a fact. For a long time I made a career from my looks, so I get it, I'm a pretty girl. And not in a 'from a certain angle' way, in an obvious way. It’s the blonde thing and the big boobs thing. Big boobs are a key to 'obvious pretty' if you know what I'm saying."
RICHARD: "Dr. Stevens-"
IZZIE: "It's how men see me. I'm not a smart girl or an interesting girl, I'm a pretty girl. The blonde and the boobs, it confuses guys into thinking I'm someone else. And I'm used to it. And I'm used to them walking away when they realize… But then Denny goes and asks me to marry him."
RICHARD: "Is that why you cut the wires?"
IZZIE: "He doesn't make me feel like I'm a pretty girl. He makes me feel like… like me. I think he might know me. And so, if I did cut the LVAT wire, and I'm not saying that I did, but if I did, then no. I don't feel guilty. I know that I should. I would if it were anybody else's. But I can't feel anything but happy."

[the cast, narrating]
MEREDITH: "Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive."
GEORGE: "Family"
IZZIE: "Sex"
DEREK: "But we only need one thing"
RICHARD: "To actually be alive."
CRISTINA: "We need a beating heart."
ADDISON: "When our heart is threatened"
ALEX: "We respond in one of two ways."
GEORGE: "We either run or-"
IZZIE: "We attack."
RICHARD: "There's a scientific term for this."
ALEX: "Fight..."
ADDISON: "...or flight."
MIRANDA: "It's instinct."
MEREDITH: "We can't control it."
IZZIE: "Or can we?"

IZZIE: "Denny, um... I'm giving you an out."
DENNY: "Excuse me?"
IZZIE: "Well, I'm giving you an out. You thought you were dying and I was saving your life and well, you know, it was so... We cant get married. I mean that would be insane. We should date, and have sex. Plenty of sex. You know when your heart gets better and you're out of the hospital, all the sex you can handle. But marriage is... well, marriage."
DENNY: [smiles] "It's my turn now."
IZZIE: "But I need to-"
DENNY: "No, no. We're taking turns. I've decided. It's polite and it keeps me from yelling. When it's your turn again, you can talk. For five years, I've had to live by the choices of my doctors. The guys that cut me open decided my life. There wasn't one choice that was mine. Now, I have this heart that beats, that works. I get to be like everybody else, I get to make my own decisions, have my own life, do whatever the damn hell I choose. Now here's the good part, so you listen close. What I choose... is you. You're who I want to wake up with and go to bed with and do everything in between with. I get a choice now. I get to choose. I choose you, Izzie Stevens. Okay, it's your turn again."

IZZIE: [to Richard] "I cut the LVAT wire."
MEREDITH: "Actually, I cut the LVAT wire."
GEORGE: "No, I did. I'm the one who cut the wire." [pauses, elbows Christina]
CRISTINA: "Fine, I cut the LVAT wire."
ALEX: "I didn't do anything, I'm totally innocent."

IZZIE: "He said marry me, right? He did? That really happened?"
GEORGE: "Really happened."
MEREDITH: "It really did."

GEORGE: "Bailey's treating us like children. We're not children! We shouldn't have to sit out here like we're in time-out or something."
MEREDITH: "What we did is way in need of a time-out."
CRISTINA: "You realize we could get kicked out of the program for this?"
IZZIE: "Not we. I did this. I did this. You're probably right, maybe I should run. But I'd rather be running towards someone than running away."

MIRANDA: "How're you feeling, Denny?"
DENNY: "Really, really good. Like an athlete or a superhero or some other really, really healthy person."
IZZIE: "You're funny. You're a funny guy."

CRISTINA: "I'm not involved."
IZZIE: "What if this was Burke? What if you were me?"
CRISTINA: "This is bad. This is bad and serious and against a lot of rules. It's not fun for me."
IZZIE: "What if you were me?"
CRISTINA: "Well, I wouldn't have fallen in love with a patient."
IZZIE: "You fell in love with an attending."
CRISTINA: "Well so did Mer, so what's the point?"
MEREDITH: "The point is we can't help who we fall in love with."

CRISTINA: "He's... he's been shot."
IZZIE: [pause] "Burke's not coming."
MEREDITH: "Are you okay?"
CRISTINA: "I'm fine."
IZZIE: "Burke's not coming."
GEORGE: "Why didn't I take the internship in San Diego? None of this would be happening if I was in San Diego."
IZZIE: "Burke's not coming."
CRISTINA: "No, Izzie, Burke is not coming. I know you're having problems here, what with your murder charges and your unbelievebly stupid idea about stealing a heart, but Burke's kinda busy right now."

DENNY: "What? You like your men sick and feeble? You don't dig healthy guys?"
IZZIE: "I dig you."

IZZIE: "You press that code button and I will hurt you. Not a lot, because we're friends. But enough so that things will break and you lie on the floor out of my way."
GEORGE: "Izzie."
IZZIE: "You have a decision to make. You can stay here and help me with this, or you can leave. What's it gonna be, George?"

IZZIE: [trembling] "I told a lie. To Dr. Burke."
CRISTINA: "Good for you, fight the power."
IZZIE: "No... it's bad... bad."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
