GEORGE: [helping Alex practice] "Aw, my throat! It's like, wicked soar, yo. Plus I got, like, all deez sick breakouts!"
IZZIE: "You're helping him!?" [storms off]
GEORGE: [to Alex] "I was doing mono. The whole acne thing was just being a teenager."

DEREK: "Do you happen to know what time of year neurosurgeons are busiest, Dr. Stevens?"
IZZIE: "There's a particular time of year?"
DEREK: "There's no hard or fast rule, but brain injuries tend to pile up around the holidays. Folks fall off roofs while they string up lights. They go skating for the first time in a decade and break their heads open. Every year people drive through blizzards to get to parties where they kiss germ infected strangers under poisonous mistletoe. Then they get drunk and smash their heads through their windshield on their way home. But there's no hard or fast rule."

GEORGE: [looking at Dr. Bailey] "Look at her! She's almost as wide as she is tall."
MEREDITH: "Are her ankles swollen?"
IZZIE: "It's gonna be weird when she goes on leave."
CRISTINA: "Leave? She's going on leave?"
MEREDITH: "That's usually what happens when people push babies out of their vaginas."
GEORGE: "You think we'll get a new resident?"
ALEX: "Nah. They'll probably just leave us all unattended, see how much damage we can do."
IZZIE: "Yeah, well, you would know."

GEORGE: "It looks like Santa threw up in here."
MEREDITH: "Just go with it, we're being supportive here."
IZZIE: "Did I go overboard? I know sometimes I can go too overboard."
MEREDITH & GEORGE: [together] "It's great."
IZZIE: "Oh, good. Yay! I love Christmas!"
MEREDITH & GEORGE: [together] "We know."

DENNY: "You're stalking me. You're a stalker."
IZZIE: [smiles] "Can you blame me?"

DENNY: "That guy Alex. You with him?"
IZZIE: "No."
DENNY: [smiles] "Good. That means I won't have to fight him for you."
IZZIE: "What makes you think I want you to fight him for me?"
DENNY: "You're in love with me. I'm well off, but not into money. I'm smart, but not a know-it-all. I'm funny, I love animals. And I'm hot. I'm a catch, if you can wrap yourself around the enlarged failing heart."
IZZIE: "You're right. I am sooo in love with you. It's a shame, really, since I'm with Hildy and all."

MEREDITH: [petting the dog] "Such a good dog! Who's Mommy's good boy?" [looks at Izzie and George] "C'mon, what are you doing? We're gonna be late."
GEORGE: "Um, we need to talk about the dog."
IZZIE: "That's not a dog, this is a hyena that escaped from the zoo and dressed up in a dog's clothing."
GEORGE: "Whatever. I don't chew up his clothes. I don't urinate on his bed. I don't try to mount him from behind."
IZZIE: "Mount you from behind?"
GEORGE: "He tried to."

"I get one night off in two weeks and I waste it on you? You couldn't even have bothered to kiss me goodnight. You're a coward, and you're just as shallow as you seem. So no to your favor. No to you. No!"

GEORGE: "We have to do something. Meredith has become like an exhibit. Like a zoo animal. Like that rare panda that everyone stares at."
IZZIE: "Please don't say that to her face. I think that panda died alone."
GEORGE: "I'm just saying we should do something to cheer her up."
CRISTINA: "I've got something."

IZZIE: "So... George? He's really your type, huh?"
CALLI: "You don't see him. Either of you. He's just, he's just George to you. He's just... O'Malley, your roommate."
IZZIE: "You don't have to get all-"
CALLI: "He makes my world stop. George O'Malley is sweet and kind and smart and strong. And he makes my world stop. So you shut up about him."

"Plus, her name's Calli! Who is named Calli!? That's not even a real name!"

IZZIE: "Here."
DENNY: "You knit me a sweater?"
IZZIE: "Smell it."
DENNY: [breathes deeply, smiles] "Smells like Izzie."
IZZIE: "I wore it for three hours. You know, to give it the full effect. So enjoy, because that's the closest to this body that you will ever get."
DENNY: [pauses] "Can I at least see one boob?"

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
