Avery: I can't bring a baby into ICU.
Sloan: No, but you can sneak one in.

Glad you're back.

Jackson: The chief banged my mom. Webber. Dr. Webber banged my mom.
Meredith: If it makes you feel any better, he banged my mom too.

Jackson: You hurt my mom and I hurt you.
Webber: I won't hurt your mom, I like her.
Jackson: I dont like that you like her.
Webber: Man to man, you're just gonna have to deal with it. You don't want a piece of this. Not today.
Jackson: I'm watching you.
Webber: I hope you like the view.

I know it might not be what you planned or how you planned it. But we can get married and have an awesome kid.

My crazy mom will be there, she'll probably bring Webber.

Since when can you not sleep with interns?

It's Dr. Sloan's technique.

Alex: You think this kid makes you look good.
Jackson: I always look good.

I'm a doctor today.

April: I’m getting married. I’m saving this guy’s life and face.
Jackson: And it’s all because of me.

April: I'm hunting bridesmaids.
Jackson: Now, is that a farm tradition?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
