Frankie: Now I can stop being nice to you for no reason.
Jane: Oh, yeah I wouldn't want you to develop any bad habits.

Maura: You know what's in here?
Jane: Yummy goodness.

ane: French women don't obsess over the occasional glass of wine while they're pregnant.
Maura: French women don't shave their underarms.

Jane: Shaggy and Scooby would be so proud.
Korsak: After you, Velma.
Jane: She's Velma. I'm Daphne, obviously. Maura back me up on this.

If this is what surviving the apocalypse looks like, I'd rather be a zombie.

Korsak: We have a mystery.
Jane: If only we had the mystery machine.

There are websites devoted to costumes for cats. It doesn't mean they're not crazy.

Jane: When did you become so secretive?
Korsak: When did you become so nosy?
Jane: Have you met my mother?

It'a med school. The budding minds of today will have patients tomorrow. Grade hard. Save lives.

You have motive, access, and your alibi is not only flimsy it's kind of pretentious.

Maura: And when I look at him I picture us having sex, if you get my drift?
Jane: It'd be impossible not to.

Latin card and a metaphor plant? He could be your soulmate or your clone.