These one hitters should really be called three hitters.


(Jennifer suspecting her boyfriend is cheating)
Jonathan: Are you sure?
Jennifer: That's what my therapist said. 'Are you sure?' Yes, I'm sure! God, it's like I'm surrounded by Holocaust deniers. It happened. I'm sure!

Leah: Her name's Allison. She's a radical vegan.
Lisa: I know a lot of radical vegans. She must be really lonely.

Jim Jarmusch: So I really loved your novel. Dark, funny, perverted, beautiful. You must really suffer from the terrifying clarity of your vision.
Jonathan: Thank you. I do suffer. Thank you.

Ray: You mind if I smoke pot in here?
George: Can I have some?

Jonathan: Your therapist sounds crazy!
George: I know, I know, but most therapists are. That's what gives them insight.

Claudia Worth: Are you a man or a boy?
Jonathan: Well... what's the difference?
Claudia Worth: With a man, you feel like you're being taken, and you like it. And with a boy, you feel like they're stealing something from you, and you don't like it.

(to Jonathan) Lives don't change. We simply become more comfortable with our core misery, which is a form of happiness.

Dr. Worth

I've always been intrigued by Stockholm Syndrome. Make me think of my childhood.


In my heart, I'm a vegan. In my mouth, I lack discipline.

Jonathan: I still like the way pot makes me think - maybe it's healthy.
Suzanne: Pot is not healthy.
Jonathan: They give it to cancer patients.
Suzanne: You don't have cancer.
Jonathan: Not yet...

They say the pen is mightier than the sword.