He's supposed to be my partner!

I will give you this, You have gigantic balls.

I prefer working with me team.

Alibis can be bought, video doesn't lie.

Why did you take his head, did you miss him?

That's what the great love stories are about, beating the odds.

What do you think those cons are going to do when they find out you ran around in tights?

Castle: If you could be any comic book hero, who would you be?
Beckett: Elektra.

If you hold on to tight, you will just push her away.

My precinct is no place for vendettas.

Victoria Gates

Beckett: Castle, wait.
Castle: I did three months.
Beckett: I know you're angry
Castle: You're damn right I'm angry. I watched you die in that ambulance you know that? Do you know what that's like? to watch the life drain out of someone you care about?

I know I'm not going to be able to have the kind of relationship I want until the wall comes down. I cant do that until this is put to rest.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
