[Kendall has given Zach a plane ticket to Haiti, where they can get divorced quickly]
Zach: You know what? This date's not going to work for me.
Kendall: Make it work.
Zach: Love to, but I can't.
Kendall: Well, what? Is there something going on at the casino? I mean, I can handle it.
Zach: No, I took the afternoon off.
Kendall: What's so important that you can't reschedule it?
Zach: I'm rearranging my sock drawer.
Kendall: Yeah.
Zach: No, it's serious business. I mean, I've got the gym socks touching the dress socks. It's a real mess. Anyway, we've got to reschedule this divorce thing.

Kendall Hart Cambias: No way. A kiss on the boo-boo and that makes it all better? How the hell could she be so patronizing?
Ryan Lavery: This is not the time...
Kendall Hart Cambias: No, no, really, how can she do this to Bianca? After this pretty little show. She'll have her prefect baby, her perfect marriage, and her perfect life, and what the hell will Bianca have?
Bianca Montgomery: Kendall, it's all right.
Kendall Hart Cambias: No, Bianca, it really isn't all right. She's not doing this to ease your pain. She's doing this to cover her own pathetic guilt. Isn't that right, Babe? Isn't that what you're doing?
Arabella 'Babe' Carey Cramer Chandler: No.
Kendall Hart Cambias: Oh, really, no? ok, well you know what, you don't deserve a happily ever after, Babe, and after everything you've done, you will never, ever get it. Your fairy tale will crash and burn, and you'll deserve everything you get.
Bianca Montgomery: Kendall, don't.
Kendall Hart Cambias: And when the sky falls, you'll remember this day and exactly what I said.
Myrtle Lum Fargate: Time to hide those spinning wheels.
Kendall Hart Cambias: This had to be said, Bianca. You cannot believe a word out of that girl's mouth.
Bianca Montgomery: She's my friend!
Kendall Hart Cambias: She's a user. She doesn't care who she guts on the way. She's only out for herself. Isn't that right Babe?

Simone Torres: Greenlee regrets what she did to you. If you would only meet her halfway.
Kendall Hart: No, not even to direct her the rest of the way to hell.

Aidan Devane: I'll go with you.
Kendall Hart: You'd do that?
Aidan Devane: You may need someone to peel you off the ceiling or scrape you off the floor.

Erica Kane: You slept with Ryan's brother before you stole the company out from under him?
Kendall Hart Cambias: No, no, I didn't steal it, I didn't steal it. Adam and J.R. did. Ok, but here's the kicker - Ryan tried to convince me earlier today that he's completely over me for good, which, of course, that can't be. I mean, it's impossible, and we are going to prove that. And you know what's so great about you and I doing this together is that you hate Greenlee just as much as I do, so it's perfect! Plus, mother, you are the queen of creativity. You're so creative. I mean, the truth is i'm running out of ideas, but the two of us putting our heads together could be so amazing!
Erica Kane: Kendall, you have to stop. You're talking like a crazy person.

Erica Kane: Getting back at Ryan isn't the answer.
Kendall Hart Cambias: No? Ok. All right, fine. Honestly, tell me this... if your father were still alive, standing here right now, what would you do?
Erica Kane: I'd kill him! But you can't equate Ryan with my father.
Kendall Hart Cambias: Ok, well, yes, I agree the crimes were completely different, but the result was pain. Someone hurts you, you make them suffer.
Erica Kane: Well, you wanted me to suffer once. You remember how that turned out.
Kendall Hart Cambias: Yes, but I was a kid. Now I know what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing and I love it. There is nothing more satisfying than paying back hurt for hurt. It's ok, mother, you don't have to worry about me.
Erica Kane: No, I'm scared for you, Kendall. I'm scared for all of us. I'm scared for you and Bianca and myself.

Ryan Lavery: You want to tell me what the hell you were trying to pull out there?
Kendall Hart Cambias: Did you see Babe? Did you just see what she did? She has the nerve to offer a consolation prize, honorary mommy? What the hell is that? I mean, what could Bianca possibly do with that? Sit and watch Babe be the mother that Bianca will never get to be? It's stupid. It reeks.
Ryan Lavery: Babe was just trying to help.
Kendall Hart Cambias: No, Babe was trying to cover her own butt and make herself look good. She was trying to show what a big heart she has so no one will know what a liar she really is.
Ryan Lavery: What? Where do you get this stuff?
Kendall Hart Cambias: Oh, please don't tell me you can't see it, Ryan, come on. Babe is all about playing the bimbo matriarch of the Chandler clan. When really she a selfish, lying, stupid little bitch.

All My Children Quotes

Greenlee Smythe Lavery: Just - I tried to remember when we weren't stressed to the max. Our honeymoon may have been the best time ever. I was just hoping that maybe tonight we could feel like that for just a few hours, let you remember how much I love you, how happy I am that I'm your wife, just like that night.
Ryan Lavery: Come here.
Greenlee Smythe Lavery: What? What are you...
Ryan Lavery: I remember everything. I remember it was going to be the first time that we made love as husband and wife. And I remember thinking to myself that my bullet wound was easy compared to waiting to make love to you. I wanted you so bad. I want you now. I want you right now.

Ryan: Do you feel that?
Gillian: Your heartbeat.
Ryan: OUR heartbeat.