Beckett: He is resourceful but he's not that resourceful.
Ryan: He got you to marry him, didn't he?

Castle: Ryan, you played the C card?
Ryan: You weren't around. Somebody had to step up.

She might have been killed by a psychotic plumber lying in wait.

Ryan: Do you think she's still alive?
Castle: She's alive.
Ryan: How do you know?
Castle: Because he's not done with me yet.

Mars. Nova Scotia. This guy really loves barren landscapes.

The good news is Sarah Grace will have enough money for college. The bad news is she'll have no idea who I am.

Then who's this, your evil twin?

Kate Beckett: You texted Castle and not me?
Kevin Ryan: Well, when you have a crazy theory you don't call the voice of reason.

Our witness is threatening to file a complaint against me for assault with a deadly odor. She says that I smell like soiled baby diapers and Javi's cologne is quote, "satan's butt sweat."

Castle, nothing you do is little.

You're supposed to be our buffer. Buff!

Esposito: So you're going full hipster now.
Ryan: Have you started jarring artisanal pickles yet?

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
